Import Product Variants from CSV/Excel Odoo module, Advance Import Products Variant in Odoo website


Product Variant module is supported in odoo community and enterprise edition.

Import Product variants odoo module is used to manage products having different-different variations, like size, color,status etc. Advance Odoo Import variant module managing the product at the template level and variant level.

This product import odoo module helps to import products with product variants from the CSV / Excel file.Product variant odoo module enable features to import custom fields also. this will auto-create or update product and product variant from CSV/Excel. Also Import product variant odoo module has time saving features. You can identify the product variant in field.

Features of import product variants from CSV/Excel odoo module

– Import product variants in this odoo module

– Create product variants

– Data import alert

– Easy and Save your Time using import product variants odoo module

Click here to see more features of import product variants module……….

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